Romania's first biogas power plant, a 5 million euro investment
Genesis Biopartner, the Romanian holding company formed by Baupartner Romania and Vireo Energy Sweden, announces the inauguration of the first Romanian biogas co-generation renewable energy production plant.
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The biogas plant built in Filipeștii de Pădure, Prahova county, is a project initiated, developed and financed entirely by Genesis Biopartner and has a capacity of 1MW / h electric energy and 1.2MW / h thermal energy and processes a quantity of 49 tons of organic substrate, and the project involved an investment of approximately 5.000.000 Euro.
The implementation of the project, unique in Romania so far, began in June 2012 in order to produce renewable (electric and thermal) energy, in cogeneration, by using organic substrate (vegetable and, subsequently, organic waste) in the site area.
The innovation of this project consists in the supply to a partner of the thermal energy produced by the cogeneration plant, the production of baseload electricity, the predictable supply (over 8000 operating hours / year), as well as the possibility of energy (biogas) storage.
This project is the basis for the development of three priority areas in Romania: energy, agriculture and environmental protection, and the biogas plant for renewable energy in cogeneration is suitable for any industrial consumer who uses thermal energy (hot water, technological steam, hot air).
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“We are currently carrying out feasibility studies for other locations. We are also looking for other partners to set up biogas and cogeneration power plants in their area. In particular, we are interested in partners who have organic waste or waste from the food industry or industrial partners with heat consumption”, says Michael Dietrich, founder of Genesis Biopartner.
The first beneficiary is the CrisTim cold meats factory, which, as a result of the investment, will benefit from a reduction in the cost of producing thermal energy as well as efficient management of waste from meat processing.
“This partnership, through which the biogas cogeneration plant was built next to our cold meats factory, will provide to us the delivery of a significant amount of technological steam at a much lower cost than before ", explains Radu Timiș, President of CrisTim Group.